This week we were supposed to research some aspect of family that was interesting to us and as I did this assignment I started out looking at the effects of divorce on children. I think that merits a lot of study but as I researched that, I was led to the idea of pre-marital education. Interestingly enough, my mother had just brought over an article addressing the same topic. It is fascinating and frankly very exciting to me that pre-marriage classes are becoming an agenda item. I found an incredible website: which I think should be a role model for all states. We spend $1000.00 for 1 parent family care to every $1.00 spent on pre-marital education. We are steeped in defense or treatment instead of offense or preventative care. How many more goals are made by offense than by defense?

So what I am thinking is that for part of my education I would like to put together pre-marital education classes and present them to the city and county as part of getting a marriage license. We can offer a discount toward the license if they sign up for and complete the course together. This gets me super excited!!! 

Another thought: free or very low cost marriage counseling to those qualifying  in lower income tax brackets. It could potentially save us millions, if not billions in 1 parents and poverty stricken households...but that's for another entry.

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    I am returning to school after....several....years. I declared my major as Sociology because that's where the vast amount of my credits were from....several....years ago. I was even signed up for a Soc. class but I never could get excited about it. I got a way for a "Best Friend" overnighter to Helena, MT. (where all great inspiration happens) and after talking Jackie's ear off and getting her educated (she just finished her Bachelor's degree at BYU-I) advice, I switched my major to Marriage and Family and I have felt  like a million bucks ever since (which is good because that is what it will cost me, I'm sure).  I LOVE being a wife and mother and I am fascinated by parenting and families so I'm not quite sure why it took me so long to commit to this course of study but however windy the road, as long as you get there, who cares!!


    April 2013
    March 2013
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    January 2013

