A few things about sex:

1. Men and women are very different when it comes to sex. Men get excited quicker and by sight. They climax quicker. Women take longer and are more aroused by touch. If we understand and incorporate these facts, couple can get on the same page and have a very fulfilling sex life.

2. Knowledge is power. Had I known these things as a newlywed, our sex life may have been dramatically different and some issues easily resolved.

3. Communication is key. Talk about things; the uncomfortable things. 

4. Sex wanes when your kids are little but just seeing your husband vacuuming can be excellent foreplay. "Now?" is not.

5. Sex is not like in the movies. Well maybe the first time but that's about it. Until later. It's a dance; a messy dance and toes definitely get stepped on. But as you practice and practice and practice :), you start to enjoy the dance and begin to create something of beauty. 

6. There is a very serious reason God tells us to wait to have sex until we are married and all the statistics show (again) He is right. Giving yourself to a person in a sexual way is something you can never get back, it damages self-esteem and a person will spend a long time trying to justify why it was okay for them. Your children are more likely to have premarital sex if you did, and children need two committed, loving parents to raise them. Premarital sex isn't about love. It's about hormones. Just wait. It's sooo worth the wait! 

7. "Women first" isn't just for opening doors.

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    I am returning to school after....several....years. I declared my major as Sociology because that's where the vast amount of my credits were from....several....years ago. I was even signed up for a Soc. class but I never could get excited about it. I got a way for a "Best Friend" overnighter to Helena, MT. (where all great inspiration happens) and after talking Jackie's ear off and getting her educated (she just finished her Bachelor's degree at BYU-I) advice, I switched my major to Marriage and Family and I have felt  like a million bucks ever since (which is good because that is what it will cost me, I'm sure).  I LOVE being a wife and mother and I am fascinated by parenting and families so I'm not quite sure why it took me so long to commit to this course of study but however windy the road, as long as you get there, who cares!!


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