Our assigned study this week, and last week, was about relationships and selecting a life partner. Most of my reading came from the textbook, "Marriage & Family; The quest for intimacy" by Lauer and Lauer (8th edition)

Several current trends and studies were reported in the chapters and interestingly enough, EVERY outcome of each study confirmed God's commandments. 

As I studied and contemplated, the realization was overwhelming that as the world has decided that God is old fashioned, the number of healthy relationships and lasting marriages have gone down a steady incline and no one seems to notice or care. The media certainly isn't touting these facts. Why isn't leadership (government down to parents) teaching these things? More and more studies are reporting failed marriages, unsatisfactory intimacy, under educated, unstable children, dysfunction, depression and poor health and most people don't see it or will deny it but it's due to ignoring the commandments of God.

The reports are astonishing in regards to premarital sex and cohabitation. They are dramatic precursors to the ailments listed above and yet society as a whole doesn't want to hear it. They are playing peek-a-boo with God believing that if they hide their eyes, He isn't there.

It's disheartening to me. I feel bad for people who think they know better because the wake up call is painful and you never know when it's coming. I feel bad for the children of those who ignore eternal truths. They suffer without choice. I feel so bad for those who wander trying desperately to be filled with the vain things of the world. 

There is great, no the greatest joy, to be found in honoring our Father. He does know best. He sees the big picture. He has our backs. He knows what's up. It shouldn't surprise us that what is true in life is also true eternally. 

I think it's most interesting that statistics are now proving what God has known for years. He's so smart.

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    I am returning to school after....several....years. I declared my major as Sociology because that's where the vast amount of my credits were from....several....years ago. I was even signed up for a Soc. class but I never could get excited about it. I got a way for a "Best Friend" overnighter to Helena, MT. (where all great inspiration happens) and after talking Jackie's ear off and getting her educated (she just finished her Bachelor's degree at BYU-I) advice, I switched my major to Marriage and Family and I have felt  like a million bucks ever since (which is good because that is what it will cost me, I'm sure).  I LOVE being a wife and mother and I am fascinated by parenting and families so I'm not quite sure why it took me so long to commit to this course of study but however windy the road, as long as you get there, who cares!!


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